Hello! My name is David Strout, and I am the creator of Cattlers of Satan. I currently reside in Washington DC and love playing board games. The idea for this game was originally a joke, but after mulling it over for several weeks I knew it was too good to not pursue. Thus began the long process of actually creating a fully custom board game.
First came the board itself, which I chose to laser cut out of wood for longevity, beauty, and to give the game that "heirloom" feel. I stained the wood to a dark brown that gives the board a dark and earthy yet warm appearance. I also owe huge thanks to my wife and friends for helping me paint the original game. The bright, fiery colors pop beautifully in contrast with the wood.
Next came the custom playing pieces which I modeled and then 3D printed in different colored plastics. After a couple variations I landed on what is now the standard fence, herd, and ranch piece designs. In addition to the playing pieces, each board also comes with its own "Satan" which has been 3D printed as well. This mini is sure to frighten or unsettle many who chose to participate in the game!
Lastly I set my sights on the original playing cards, trying my best to combine the themes of "cattle ranching" and Hell. There are 18 unique cards in Cattlers of Satan, with a total of 120. Much of the inspiration and certain aspects for these designs came from generative AI tools. However even with their help, I still spent many hours carefully crafting the layout of each card, the text to describe its abilities, and assembling different assets to create the perfect card.
As for the actual gameplay, if you enjoy board games I am sure you will have fun playing Cattlers of Satan. The rules are easy to pick up and are similar to other resource-based trading games. Of course, there are also a few devilish twists to keep players on their toes!
In creating Cattlers of Satan, I couldn't resist the hilarity of combining cattle ranching and Hell into a board game. It's been an amazing journey from a simple joke to a wickedly delightful reality. I am thrilled to share this game with the world, and whether you're a seasoned board gamer or just seeking a laughter-filled adventure, Cattlers of Satan is sure to entertain. So gather your friends, prepare for some accursed twists, and immerse yourself in the world of infernal cattle ranching! I hope you find as much joy playing Cattlers of Satan as I did in bringing it to life. Enjoy the fun, the laughter, and the strategizing—it's time to unleash your inner rancher in the realms of Hell!